Thursday, March 30, 2017


So far, my blog has been going as planned. I have decided to set up a schedule for me to keep updates and blog posts constantly. I find this surprisingly more fun than I thought going into it. However, I have run into a little roadblock. I have found that I have hit a little bit of a creative shut down. I think that I may want to start posting blogs on a different subject other than technology. Going into this capstone, my mindset was on helping people buy technology because we saw that that was the hardest item to buy sometimes. I still believe this, but I think I may want to move on. I have decided to start posting about shoes and what they are about. On the other hand, my partner is still going to talk about tech. This way our blog will have more variety and will be more enjoyable. Our views have also gone up to about 120 in all. We are getting about one or two views a day., give us a visit!

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