Thursday, March 30, 2017


So far, my blog has been going as planned. I have decided to set up a schedule for me to keep updates and blog posts constantly. I find this surprisingly more fun than I thought going into it. However, I have run into a little roadblock. I have found that I have hit a little bit of a creative shut down. I think that I may want to start posting blogs on a different subject other than technology. Going into this capstone, my mindset was on helping people buy technology because we saw that that was the hardest item to buy sometimes. I still believe this, but I think I may want to move on. I have decided to start posting about shoes and what they are about. On the other hand, my partner is still going to talk about tech. This way our blog will have more variety and will be more enjoyable. Our views have also gone up to about 120 in all. We are getting about one or two views a day., give us a visit!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Capstone Proposal

Have you ever wanted to buy something, but didn’t know how?  Well we have too. For our capstone project, we’ve decided to do all the hard work for you and explain to you what you’re really buying and what to look for. I can’t count the number of times I’ve wanted to buy something, but didn’t know if I was buying the absolute best thing I could with my money. We’ve, Tony C. and Jimmy H, put it on ourselves to shorten that buying process and make everything simpler and easier. To make this happen, we’ve created a simple blog for you to visit when you need help. Everyone will benefit from this project in one way or another. Nowadays, there are thousands to millions of options for any type of products out there, and they are all are advertising that they’re the best. With all of these options, you can feel lost and overwhelmed. With our blog, we will do the hard work for you and research and find out the actual best thing out there for your money. I can guarantee that our blog will help everyone out greatly because we’ve gone through the same buying process as well. If we need help with anything at all, we were thinking to ask my partner’s, Jimmy Huynh, dad to be our mentor. My partner’s dad is a software engineer and will surely be able to help us if we need any support. Some hurdles in which we may have to overcome is simply lack of time and information. Since we put it on ourselves to search up everything you will need to know when wanting to buy a product, we are going to have to do all the research. This will take time and energy. It may also be hard to find all the information needed to fully help you. All in all, this project really inspires us because we’ve both gone through the same experience of feeling lost and uncomfortable when trying to buy a new product. We are super excited to help the community in simplifying this buying process. Buying items may sound so simple on the outside, but nowadays with all these choices you never know if you are getting the very best. We are here to help.
Kith Ultra Boost