Thursday, May 4, 2017

Final Project Reflection 

This project taught me so much. Throughout this whole project, I have learned countless lessons. These lessons include improving my typing skills, making it easier to search up information, and learning how economy works. After searching up details about a lot of items, I think that searching up information every time a teacher tells me to write an essay will be millions of times easier. In the beginning, I came into the project just wanting to get it done. After successfully finishing a few blog posts, I started getting more picky about the quality of my work. Over all, I think after getting 2,000 views I have met my goal. I was thinking that the next step in my project should be talking about clothing. Since this project became such a good and effective time waster for me, I can assure you that this project will still be alive even after the project is over. I plan to hopefully get 5,000 views on my blog by the end of summer. Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 27, 2017


From the creators, to the consumers, to the resellers, the world of consumerism is a vast and complicated world. In addition to the millions of products out there, there are also millions of sites to use to buy these products. Everywhere you look, there is a deal everywhere. Frauds and scams run rampant. According to the FTC, 25 million people are affects by fraud or scams every year! This is about 11% of all of America every year. You do not want to take that chance. This is why we chose to do what we did. For our capstone project, we have chose to create a helpful website made to guide you through the storm of consumerism. In this blog, we create all kinds of guides all the way from the tip of your shoelace to the hair on your head. If you don't know what to look for when buying something, we are here. We chose to do this for our capstone over everything else for one big reason. This reason was because we were interested to learn about economy and how the things we buy actually come to the stores we go to.

Economy revolves around need and want. In fancier terms, this is also called the system of supply and demand. The definition of economy is simply the system of production and consumption within a region or state. You need supply to have demand, and you need demand to have supply. The law of supply goes that when the price of an item raises, more people will produce the item trying to gain money. This is how fads come and go. You may recognize some of these fads such as beyblades, fidget spinners, heelys, and so on. The law of demand goes that when the price of an item goes down, the demand will go up because now people who couldn't afford it can now buy it. The law of demand also states that when the price of an items goes down enough, people will start finding alternate ways of using it. For example, binder clips can be used to not only hold your paper together, but be used to hold wires to a table. In this way do producers balance the prices and products made and sold.

Where there are perfections, there are also imperfections. Nothing in this world can be fully perfect. Producers try to balance their prices as best to their abilities as possible, but of course sometime they mess up. They are human after all. When this happens, we call that inflation. The definition inflation is the rise or fall of the value of money due to the rise and fall of prices.There are really only two types of inflation, Demand-pull inflation and Cost-push inflation. Demand-pull inflation happens when people income rises, but the prices of items stay the same. This forces prices to go up, leaving people who didn't gain people in poverty. You can see this happen during the Great Depression. The other form of inflation is Cost-push inflation. Cost-push inflation happens when the cost for producing an item goes up, but your income stays the same. All in all, inflation sucks and hurts a lot of people.

To make keep up with the demand, there must be businesses made to produce the supply. There are several types of businesses out there today: Pure competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. Each of these terms describe the market structure in which each business falls into depending on how many others are producing the same product alongside them; their competition. In the Pure Competition market, it is very easy to enter the market, there are many competitors, and every product is almost exactly the same. One example of pure competition in the real world right now is the bread industry. There are many brands and each loaf is almost the same. The next type of competition is the monopolistic competition. This market is almost like the pure competition market, but with less competition and has more variety in products. For example, some monopolistic companies include barber shops and restaurants. Third, the oligopoly market where there are just a few large firms controlling the market and it's fairly hard to enter. Some of these markets include car companies. Lastly, the last type of company is a Monopoly. This type of company only has one big company controlling it with no competition at all, and they have the power to control the price you have to pay because you have no where else to go to. one example of a monopoly today is the company Monsanto.

In conclusion, this project was super fun. In my spare time, I usually just sit around and did nothing. This project gave me something fun that I never knew that I would enjoy to do in my spare time. I loved being able to see how our blog was doing and how it grew. Today, our blog has hit over 2,000 views. This great experience that I will take with me through my years through high school and college. I've always found economy interesting and I just love shopping. Together, this made the best capstone I could've done. I will still work on my blog even when the project is over. I can't wait to see how big this becomes.  

Image result for inflation                                                 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

                       Mentor Interview  
 Interviewed- Jimmy H's Dad    - software engineer                                                                           

 Disclaimer: Some answers have been tweaked to be easier to understand. The answers are still 100% his.


Question: Why do you think community service is important? 

Answer- I think community service is important because it shares love and appreciation through the community. Your community and the people around you are just as important as your family.

Question: What have you learned from your involvement in community service? 

Answer- To be honest, I haven't done too much community service, but from the community service I have done I have learned a lot. I have learned that community service goes far beyond just being helpful to others. It helps you to be nicer and more appreciative to know that something you worked hard for is being appreciated by other people. Its a win on both sides.


Question: Why is this cause or issue important to you and how did you become involved with it? 

Answer- This issue of not knowing  how to buy something is important and personal to me because when I first came to America, I didn't know much English. Even if I didn't know any English, I was still forced to have to buy things myself. I remember stepping into the store thinking it was heaven. I just started grabbing things off the shelf, not knowing if its the best or is worth my money. Some of the things I bought turned out to be horrible and broke the first time I used it. This website would've been extremely helpful to me.


Question: What expertise/ assistance are you able to offer to help make my capstone successful? 

Answer- Well I've chose to follow the path of computers and technology of my passion. If you need any technological help I'll be here. I can also supply you with categories and objects in which I had a hard time buying growing up.


Question: How will my involvement with this cause or issue help in my journey of becoming a lifelong learner? 

Answer- With you doing this, I think it will help you in many ways. It will teach you random information about objects that will help you inform others. Typing up the blog will also help with your language and computer skills I would like to think.  


Thursday, March 30, 2017


So far, my blog has been going as planned. I have decided to set up a schedule for me to keep updates and blog posts constantly. I find this surprisingly more fun than I thought going into it. However, I have run into a little roadblock. I have found that I have hit a little bit of a creative shut down. I think that I may want to start posting blogs on a different subject other than technology. Going into this capstone, my mindset was on helping people buy technology because we saw that that was the hardest item to buy sometimes. I still believe this, but I think I may want to move on. I have decided to start posting about shoes and what they are about. On the other hand, my partner is still going to talk about tech. This way our blog will have more variety and will be more enjoyable. Our views have also gone up to about 120 in all. We are getting about one or two views a day., give us a visit!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Capstone Proposal

Have you ever wanted to buy something, but didn’t know how?  Well we have too. For our capstone project, we’ve decided to do all the hard work for you and explain to you what you’re really buying and what to look for. I can’t count the number of times I’ve wanted to buy something, but didn’t know if I was buying the absolute best thing I could with my money. We’ve, Tony C. and Jimmy H, put it on ourselves to shorten that buying process and make everything simpler and easier. To make this happen, we’ve created a simple blog for you to visit when you need help. Everyone will benefit from this project in one way or another. Nowadays, there are thousands to millions of options for any type of products out there, and they are all are advertising that they’re the best. With all of these options, you can feel lost and overwhelmed. With our blog, we will do the hard work for you and research and find out the actual best thing out there for your money. I can guarantee that our blog will help everyone out greatly because we’ve gone through the same buying process as well. If we need help with anything at all, we were thinking to ask my partner’s, Jimmy Huynh, dad to be our mentor. My partner’s dad is a software engineer and will surely be able to help us if we need any support. Some hurdles in which we may have to overcome is simply lack of time and information. Since we put it on ourselves to search up everything you will need to know when wanting to buy a product, we are going to have to do all the research. This will take time and energy. It may also be hard to find all the information needed to fully help you. All in all, this project really inspires us because we’ve both gone through the same experience of feeling lost and uncomfortable when trying to buy a new product. We are super excited to help the community in simplifying this buying process. Buying items may sound so simple on the outside, but nowadays with all these choices you never know if you are getting the very best. We are here to help.
Kith Ultra Boost